On July 2024, the consortium organised and offered the online training “A(i)RT Youth: Navigating Generative AI in the Creative Future”, focusing on key elements of generative AI technology; opportunities and challenges of generative AI for art and creative sectors; and opportunities and challenges of working with young people in the art and creative sectors.
The training followed the Training of Trainers (ToT) model, in an effort to help staff members of the partner organisations, youth workers, facilitators and trainers gain knowledge and skills in the above-mentioned areas of focus, so as to support young artists and creatives, as well as young citizens and digital activists accordingly. As part of this methodology, a workbook was designed as a WebQuest to encourage self-directed exploration and self-reflection on generative AI and its impact on the art and creative sectors.
The online-training was held for two days during which youth workers were invited to focuses on the intersections of generative AI and art, with the aim to raise awareness on the opportunities and challenges of AI technologies for the cultural and creative sectors; and equip young artists and general audiences, as well as other youth trainers and youth-focused organisations with the necessary skills to thrive in the current AI boom.
It centered around key elements of generative AI technology, opportunities and challenges of generative AI for the art and creative sectors; and challenges of working with young people in the art and creative sectors.
The dedicated workbook designed by Inter Alia served as a tool for case studies, self-reflection and Ethical dilemma scenarios.